14 July 2011

Without You

This song really seems to tell how I feel about someone who has touched my life. I just wish I could tell him so.

To the one who truly made me feel like a Daughter of Heavenly Father, The one that I felt I knew forever the first time I talked to him. The footprints you left are so deep, I will never stop loving you.

12 July 2011

A New Journal

I love the idea of having a scripture journal, in years past I have written notes on lessons taught. There was once before I became a member that while I was reading the scriptures that I started writing down thoughts. I now have no idea where those notes are, they have to be someone in my house, nor do I know where the lesson notes are.

This year I again started taking notes in Sunday school class. This whole process started with me writing a poem with comments and ideas brought up in the lesson. I then learned about having a scripture journal. A sister from my ward posted on facebook a link of a blog about scripture journals. It was a wonderful post by the http://www.theredheadedhostess.com. She had posted about how she uses pictures in her scripture journal for she is a visual learner. I loved the idea, the next week after reading her blog I followed her example in my own way. I sat in Sunday school with my scriptures open, a small notebook and a pen. As the lesson progressed I was found scribbling notes along side a few pictures. It was a lesson that included the Good Shepard and the sheep. I can not draw so I had a stick person trying to look like a good Shepard and I drew a cloud with legs and a black sheep head. Though the weeks I haven't always drawn pictures but I have taken notes. I want to re-write them and organize them for the notes are all scattered on different pieces of paper in my scripture bag or in a half notebook. (my notes are hard to read for they can get so messy).

This is one of my many goals this year to accomplish. I may not do to well with it in independent scripture study but I plan on doing it though a Sunday school lesson scripture journal to start. I would love to start now with getting it all organized but I think it will have to wait till my vacation is over. Still need to find things for the trip. Hopefully when school starts again I will be able to have a place devoted to scripture study so I can accomplish this goal.

11 July 2011

A Package Deal?

When you haven't dated for about 6 1/2 years and haven't even hung out with a guy for over 5 years you really start to doubt that you will ever be able to find someone to love you. you can be afraid that you will get hurt. When you have a child you then worry that if you try and open yourself to another that your child will end up getting hurt. It is hard to even try and look for someone when you feel that you don't deserve these blessings. It is also hard to understand how another guy will be okay taking care of a child that is not his own, especially when the biological father has never had anything to do with his child and seems to have no desire to even see him. I know there are guys out there that are okay with having that responsibility. I have seen so, but that doesn't give me the confidence that I will find someone. It's also hard to find think I will find someone for I feel like I am damaged goods, not worthy of such blessings. I know I should not feel this way, but I struggle with it. My son is a daily reminder of the bad choices I made. I am not saying I regret having him or the choice to keep him. It's just a reminder, I guess a good one for I will not make the same mistake again. Its just sometimes makes one wonder if choices where made differently what would it be like.

I haven't found anyone but maybe there is a reason for that. Maybe it has to do with athat I really don't love myself or that I need to learn some homemaking skills. Maybe I wont find someone till I learn to love myself and feel that I am able to do the duties I need to. I hust might not be ready, I still need to grow. It could alsobe as simple as that I am not suppose to find someone in this life. Maybe this bessing is not for this life for me but for the next. My knight in shiniing armor maybe no where to be found for the time is not yet, but in the spirit world.

08 July 2011

Judging a book

Tonight at work I was reminded how judgemental some people can be. It is sometimes difficult to work with an individual at work now. This person has offended me by putting some judgement on what I believe. I guess its not really her kinda smashing my faith but the fact that she is judging people she doesn't even know.

First: We have eco lab guys come and check are dishwasher and such items. they came one night and when they left I said I knew one of the guys from church. This coworker said something to the affect that he looks like those guys that go around on their bikes trying to force people to join their church. (the missionaries only ride their bikes once a week). I said ya he is a member of that church and so am I and that guy is not one of those guys riding his bike around. those guys riding their bikes around are only about 19. She was like well guess its a complement that he looks so young. she didn't apologise for what she said, don't even think she realized she was rude in what she said.

Second: A young man from church applied to be a delivery driver at work. he wont get hired because it is company policy not to have a delivery driver under the age of 18. But he wrote something on his application that was funny to us. 'distance running - If car breaks down I can run the pizzas there.' I was covering a shift tonight and I found out today at church he had applied I told him that we can't have 16 year old delivery drivers, just so he would know not to be hopeful for a call back. Well I worked tonight and I wanted to see his application and I hadn't realized that he was the one that said he could delivery the pizzas by running. I was like oh I know this kid from church, I told him that one has to be 18 to drive. Well this coworker said something to the extent, oh he is guy because of how he walks. I said no he is not. I didn't want to get into it or anything so I just walked away. I am just so tired of her judging people though because of how she thinks the world runs.

07 July 2011

Struggling with Life

I sit here writing a blog starting on paper for I am stuck outside at Bug's Swim lesson. I have no book to read so to not waste my time completely I have decided to try and write.

I have come to realize I have two Mental problems. I have know that I have had one of these for a handful of years. I had received help with it at one point for a couple of months. Now though I struggle to deal with it alone, without help. some days are better then others, other times it seems so bad that its near impossible to function. I think its also causing my insomnia to be worse and that is why I have episodes of really bad insomnia. I think its also helping along my other mental problem. which isn't a horrible case of the mental problem, but I have now realize that I do have a problem with it. I can make list of to help correct the affects of the problem, but I think the first mental problem makes it so hard to even really tackle the list. I have list on list undone. I just wrote a list of 28 items, I've gotten 1 done, it was actually completed by Bug, he found the item not me. I just found a list of 26 items to be done that I wrote in March. I've only done 8 of the items off the list. I have decided to try and get 7 of the items done today.

I think these mental problems I have are affecting me socially too, I feel like I am very anti-social because I close myself off from people for I feel inadequate to actually have friends. I do not want to be judged or hurt because of the problems I have with myself.